Worried About Fireplace Residue? Check Out the Cleaner Ethanol Based Alternative

A fireplace can be a magical place where some of the best memories are shared with friends and family. However, that’s only the case when a fresh fire is lit. When the fire finally dies out, you have to deal with huge amounts of residue from the flame’s wake.

Photo of a fire in a fireplace
Concerned about the mess that comes with traditional wood fireplaces? Maybe you should consider an ethanol-based fireplace.

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How to Stage Your Home for Millennial Buyers

Despite what the internet may be telling you these days, millennials are starting to buy homes at an incredible rate. That’s right, many are moving out of their parent’s basement and are looking to spend their hard-earned dollars on a permanent housing investment. The economy is getting younger, and the next generation of home buyers is looking for something a little bit different than the buyers of old.

Photo of a living room nicely staged - Stage Your Home for Millennial Buyers
When you stage your home for millennial buyers, keep in mind the strong role technology plays.

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5 Ways to Upgrade Your Deck for a Better Outdoor Experience

There is no substitute for spending quality time on a deck with your loved ones. If your house already has a deck, you would agree with the incredible benefits of having an outdoor space. If that’s you, we’ve collected five ways to upgrade your deck for an even better outdoor living experience.

Photo of a man staining a wood deck
Having a deck on your home is wonderful but sometimes it takes a little work on your part to keep it looking great.

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5 Reasons You Should Hire a Structural Repair Specialist

Like any building, your house is built to withstand natural forces, such as the wind, gravity, and the pressure applied to it by the encompassing earth. When a house fails to counteract these forces or exerts upon it the structural weight and load, grave outcomes will often result – and you will likely end up with a need to call a structural repair specialist from your area.

Anything made with concrete will eventually crack. That includes your home’s foundation.

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3 Most Powerful Ways to Make Your Real Estate Listing Stand Out

With so many homes available for sale, it’s vital to make your real estate listing stand out. Unless you are older than 71, your first step in buying a house is looking at homes online.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 99% of those 36 years old and younger use the Internet to look at photos, evaluate neighborhoods, and compare properties. I imagine the percentage of all buyers is very close to that number, as well.

Photo of a home in Norton Commons Louisville Kentucky
High-quality, professional photographs are huge for online listings. This one was taken by Justin Jordan. Isn’t it awesome?

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Picking the Perfect Hardwood Flooring for Your Home

You make the decision to install hardwood flooring in your home. It looks fantastic, it is durable and easier to keep clean compared to carpet. You go to your local flooring center thinking you know exactly what you want and are overwhelmed with the different choices available!

Photo of Perfect Hardwood Flooring for Your Home
It can be tricky to choose the perfect hardwood flooring for your home. Let us help!

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