It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows You and *Likes* You

Being known isn’t enough. Not by a long-shot!

Photo of Friends
Your friends are your biggest fans! They’re also the source of your best real estate referrals.

How many people can you name who are famous but whose notoriety is not helping them… it’s hurting them.

In the world of sales, and when I hear that word I cringe, the biggest goal is to build up a ginormous pool of people who don’t just know you but like you! Even better? Make them love you!

How is this possible?

Well, it’s not easy. It’s a lot of hard work and it doesn’t happen overnight. You must be proactive and plan for the long term.

In real estate, my job is simply to serve my clients by offering experienced real estate advice in a friendly, professional manner. Is that enough? Not bloody likely.

The most successful agents have boatloads of clients who think of them as friends, rather than merely specialized pros. Gaining that trust is step one, but building a bond of friendship is really the goal.

Free stuff always works too, right?